Angoisse La Redousse

In the series of “Angoisse La Redousse”, Cheng portrays the daydream of Taoist Arcadia, to live with liberation of spirit, a state of wandering in absolute freedom in a village of an idealized past, untouched by passage of time and political turmoil. In the paintings, mountains are in between planes and screens where the entrance and exits are not clearly directed. It aims to mirror the topography of our interior being in relation to the architectural imagination, daydream in relation to a house and universe; the spiral desire of coming in and going out of a maze; and our fascination and fear towards ruins. The neon color which escapes from the industrial world of concrete suggests an illusion of daydreams and protection from the reality. White frames activate the process of construction and deconstruction of the image and disturb the relationship of subject and object. Here, she embraces abstraction with the improvisation of Chinese landscape painting.

Angoisse La Redousse 2

Oil and Acrylic on Polyester

24x30 in

Angoisse La Redousse 13

Acrylic on synthetic silk

44 x 36 in

Angoisse La Redousse 16

acrylic, oil and pastel on canvas

36 x 48 in

Angoisse La Redousse 14

acrylic, oil and pastel on canvas

30 x 24 in

Angoisse La Redousse 11

acrylic, oil and pastel on canvas

34 x 38 in

Angoisse La Redousse 3

Oil and Acrylic on Polyester

24x30 in

Angoisse La Redousse 4

Oil and Acrylic on Polyester

38x46 in

Angoisse La Redousse 5Acrylic on Polyester18x20 in

Angoisse La Redousse 5

Acrylic on Polyester

18x20 in

Angoisse La Redousse 7

Acrylic on synthetic silk

18x24 in


Memory Map Video


Night Feast of Minister Han's Son